Permeable Paving – Maintenance

Like any other type of high quality external paving, permeable paving benefits from occasional maintenance which helps keep your beautiful pavement looking great and functioning correctly.

Cleaning your permeable paving to maintain permeability

The most important part of maintaining your permeable paving is cleaning it to prevent blockage. Accumulation of dust on the surface will not block the paving under normal use. However at the end of the dusty summer or other dusty periods, thoroughly hose clean the paving with a normal garden hose to flush the dust through the paving.

The most common culprit of pavement blockage is spillage of fine material such as soil or sand on the paving that can get into the paving and block the pores. Therefore it is critical that if you spill soil or sand on the paving, you should blow and broom it off of the surface and NOT hose it through into the paving sub base.

The same care should be taken in landscaping around the paving. Where possible you should keep the soil level of adjacent garden beds below the paving height to avoid soil washing onto the paving during rain. Gravel areas should be graded to prevent fines washing onto the paving too.

Should mud or soil build up on the paving, it should be first blown and broomed, then loosened off with a normal garden hose and picked off. You should not use a pressure washer except as a last resort because it may force material into the paving causing blockage that could otherwise be removed.

Dealing with cement, paint and stubborn stains

Stubborn stains such as oil can be washed with warm soapy water and a firm brush.

Cement and paint if spilled on the paving should be immediately hosed through whilst wet. If these materials dry in the voids of the paving then it can be very difficult to 100% remove after.

New Dawn have a variety of stronger cleaning methods for paint and cement which we will provide to our clients on request. But preventing spills is always the best way to fix them!

What can damage resin-bound permeable paving?

Solvents such as acetone, turps and paint thinners can all damage resin bound permeable paving, and contact with these should be avoided. Fuels and oils can also cause staining and softening of the resin and contact with the paving should also be avoided.

What to do if something is spilled on the paving?

If something liquid is spilled on the paving, the first and most important thing to do is to wash the area down with copious amounts of water. Should any obvious softening, staining or yellowing remain or subsequently occur, then contact us for further advise.

What ongoing maintenance should I do to keep the paving at it’s best?

We recommend resealing the paving every two years (for a domestic driveway). Resealing involves carefully recoating the paving surface with a primer and binding resin. It brings the a new shine and brightness to your paving, helps cover any scuffs and stains, and ensures that your pavement gets stronger over time. It’s very similar to the recommended maintenance needed with exposed aggregate concrete.

Resealing must be performed by New Dawn, as it is critical that the resin and primer is applied at the correct application rate to avoid blocking the voids of the pavement.

How do I renew my ongoing warranty?

If the maintenance guidelines are correctly followed, and the resealing is performed by New Dawn at the specified intervals, then New Dawn will renew your pavement’s warranty with each reseal. For example, a two year driveway warranty will be renewed for another two years after resealing. This warranty covers the surface and excessive unravelling or rock dislodgement.

What other damage is not covered by our warranty?

We do not warrant “excessive” wear and tear. For example, dragging heavy objects (such as a skip bin) down any type of driveway risks scratching or gouging the surface. 

Another rare cause of damage (that we do not warrant against) is excessive “dry steering” in the same spot causing pavement scuffing and degradation. Dry steering is turning the wheels of your car when completely stationary – it’s neither good for your car, or the pavement below! Occasional dry steering is fine (and sometimes unavoidable), but dry steering in exactly the same place, every day, will eventually cause damage to any driveway surface – concrete, asphalt, exposed aggregate, and permeable paving. To avoid dry steering, just make sure your  car is moving ever so slightly before turning the wheel. You’ll be able to feel through the steering wheel if you are dry steering – the steering will feel heavier and more difficult than usual.

Can permeable paving be repaired?


One benefit of permeable paving compared to concrete is that small patches can be replaced and easily blended into the adjacent paving. So if damage does occur (warrantable or not) repairs can be easily carried out and usually do not result in a lasting obvious “patch”.

I have further questions about how to care for my paving

If you ever have any questions about paving care and maintenance, then just give us a call! We’re always available to help our clients, and always happy to answer questions about our paving services. Just give us a call on (03) 9543 3013!