Why do you need Geotextile Fabric under Permeable Paving?

Geotextile fabrics are an essential class of materials in civil construction. (It’s vast! For a good technical introduction on it, check out Geotextiles in Construction). Their primary purposes applicable to this blog post are to provide: separation, drainage, filtration and reinforcement. We’ll look at each of these and how they apply to permeable paving. What … Continued

Case Study: Childcare Carpark

Here at New Dawn, we pride ourselves on being available to help our clients (current, past and future) at every stage of the construction process. We’ve recently finished on this carpark in Boronia for an award winning builder. But it was a long process to get here! Town Planning The town planning approval for this … Continued

Pebble Paving Image

Permeable Paving – Maintenance

Like any other type of high quality external paving, permeable paving benefits from occasional maintenance which helps keep your beautiful pavement looking great and functioning correctly. Cleaning your permeable paving to maintain permeability The most important part of maintaining your permeable paving is cleaning it to prevent blockage. Accumulation of dust on the surface will … Continued

Permeable Paving – Planning & Regulations

Here at New Dawn, our services extend well beyond just installing permeable paving. We have assisted numerous architects, engineers and planners in successfully implementing permeable paving into projects large and small. But why do you need to use permeable paving? Typically in new developments, it is in response to specific planning regulations and restrictions. Here’s … Continued

How does permeable paving work?

If you’re reading this article, it’s likely that you’ve had a quick look around the website and have worked out that the aim of permeable paving is to get water to drain through the ground, and not into the stormwater system. But how is that actually achieved? And how do we do it? We’ll have … Continued

ground falls away from building

What subsurface drainage do you need under a permeable pavement?

A good permeable pavement should drain significant quantities of water immediately through both the paving layer and paving base. This means that in all but the heaviest of rain events, very little water remains on the surface of the paving.  But what implications does this have for drainage? Do you still need surface drains … Continued

types of permeable pavers - New Dawn

Permeable paving options

Permeable paving, also known as porous paving, is recognised as an integral part of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD), and is increasingly being employed as a powerful tool in complying with various town planning requirements for permeability, tree protection, and WSUD compliance. But what sort of permeable paving could you use? And do you know … Continued

cost of permeable paving

How much does permeable paving cost?

We often get asked straight away “how much does permeable paving cost?”. But it’s not always a straightforward answer… Firstly, permeable paving is often specified because you can’t use normal paving or concrete due to town planning restrictions. This could include council requirements such as tree protection, or to meet Water Sensitive Urban Design WSUD … Continued

Is there an Australian Standard for Permeable Paving?

Australian Standards (https://www.standards.org.au/) cover just about everything that you might build, buy or encounter in life in Australia. They’re the way to ensure that products have comparable minimum performance standards, and to ensure that works (including almost all aspects of construction) are completed to a safe, high quality standard. For example, there are various standards … Continued

Permeable Paving in the Royal Botanical Gardens

Here at New Dawn, we always get interesting and unique problems to solve with permeable paving. The Problem & Scope We recently received a request to provide permeable paving around a bottle tree in the Children’s Garden in the Royal Botanical Gardens. One of the trees had recently died, so had been replaced. This meant … Continued

Warranties, maintenance and FAQ’s

Here at New Dawn, we often get asked what warranties and guarantees we offer with our permeable paving. Hopefully in this blog post, we can look at what we offer for you. Before we go any further, we should say that our permeable paving needs no more, and no less maintenance than any other stone … Continued

Permeable Parking Areas and Stormwater Collection

Increasingly we are seeing more and more creative ways that permeable paving can be used to manage stormwater and associated problems like erosion and nutrient leeching. For example, this article here (opens in new tab) shows a council in Canada trialling a permeable parking lot. It’s a great illustration of how councils are realising the … Continued

Anti Slip Pool Surrounds

Poolside Permeable Paving

We exhibited at the SPASA Pool and Spa Show last weekend, showing off our permeable paving and it’s application around poolsides and spas. Our display at the SPASA Pool and Spa Show Everyone we talked to were interested in the paving – and that if you install it around a poolside, water will drain through … Continued

Pebble Pave Driveways by New Dawn

Porous Pavers

What are Porous Pavers? Porous pavers or porous pavements are two types of permeable surfaces often specified in new domestic and commercial developments. They can be made from different materials,  sizes and shapes. Porous pavers offer a more environmentally-friendly paving solution compared to other types of paving due to its absorption system that provides many … Continued

Permeable Concrete

A significant rise in the number of architects creating both residential and commercial builds have been specifying Permeable Concrete as a surface in landscape plans. Permeable concrete leaves a finessed look and complies with Council regulations – normally in tree protection zones.  So we thought we’d give you a run-down of the porous concrete we … Continued

Options to Repair a Driveway: Resurfacing or New Concrete?

At New Dawn Paving, we specialise in the installation of permeable paving. However, the product we install, Pebble Pave, also works as an extremely cost effective option for driveway resurfacing! Concrete driveways serve as a highly practical area, however, can over time deteriorate and fade from exposure from the elements, oil leaks, the weight of … Continued

beautiful permeable paving

How to pave around mature trees

Paving around trees and mature tree roots in driveways can be difficult. Maintaining mature trees starts by protecting the integrity of their roots, which isn’t easy to do with concrete or pavement. Permeable paving is a modern pavement solution to providing water to tree roots, perfect to keep your garden thriving! The efficiency or permeable … Continued